Welcome to my site!

Everything is currently under construction.

I'm Jack (or Kura), I do a lot of illustration and I'm big into palaeontology and card games. BROODLORDS is my home for all of this! Everything you might need to find is linked in the tabs above. There's going to be more in the future and I'll be keeping track of updates on this page.

There should be a blog section in due time, maybe pages for games as well! Having a place to talk more about palaeo news will get me to keep up with it even more.

Anyway, enjoy BROODLORDS!

(Maybe worth changing this Kuramon to something...)


  • Put an update here
  • Another update here
  • And another for good measure...

Updates and general housekeeping. Only noting things like pages being added rather than small updates like art being posted.


Theme and CSS based on the incredible templates by EGGRAMEN! You should check them out here.

If you want a website similar to this, here's one of the main guides I used!

Neocities also provides tutorials for those interested.